Pupil Premium
Pupil Premium funding is given to schools so that they can support their disadvantaged pupils and close the attainment gap between them and their peers. For the current academic year (2023/24), St George’s has been allocated £88,225.
This year the pupil premium funding will be used to:
- Reduce group sizes for core subjects in upper key stage 2 to allow more targeted teaching.
- Provide opportunities for class teachers in key stage 2 to work on a one to one basis with children for pre-teach and reinforcement
- Provide learning mentoring
- Provide additional one to one reading opportunities
- Run a special reading programme for Reception children
- Ensure eligible children do not miss out on extracurricular or musical activities for financial reasons.
- Run a special homework club for children in Year 6.
- Fund participation in enrichment activities that support learning
- Run a special book club
The pupil premium funding has resulted in positive outcomes for eligible children at St George's:
- Children in upper key stage 2 that tare disadvantaged have made significantly greater progress than their peers nationally, closing the gap in attainment.
- 13% of eligible children attained the higher standard in Reading, writing and maths combined compared with a 10% average for all children.
- Average scaled scores in Reading were higher for our disadvantaged pupils in the key stage 2 tests (110.9) compared to other children (106.2)
- Our one to one strategy has ensured that teachers have an in-depth knowledge of their pupil premium children, enabling them to plan for them in a much more informed way
- Many children eligible for pupil premium funding were able to begin to play a musical instrument.
- No children eligible for pupil premium funding missed educational visits for financial reasons.