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St Georges Catholic Primary Schools’ vision for PE is to be committed to every child in the school, to meet their individual needs and ability. In order to achieve this every class from reception to year 6 take part in at least 2 hours of planned lessons a week.

In KS1 and 2 we employ a qualified sports coach who delivers a variety of planned outdoor lessons each week. These lessons include invasion games, ball and athletic skills. These lessons are delivered following Enfield Borough plans which develops every pupils’ balance, coordination, agility and skill. In addition each class teacher delivers a borough planned indoor lesson every week in one of our well-equipped halls. These lessons focus on dance, gymnastic or indoor athletic skills. These lessons develop each child’s individual skill set.

Alongside our timetabled lessons, we run a variety of lunchtime and after school clubs. These include netball, rounders’, cross country, boys and girl’s football, ballroom dancing, rugby and cheerleading. These extracurricular clubs provide additional coaching for pupils with a keen interest to develop their skills and many provide competitive opportunities.

We are delighted to say that physical education at our school is growing from strength to strength each year. Last year alone we went from the silver to the gold in the Sainsbury’s Active Kids awards and we were awarded the bronze healthy schools award.

Mrs Williams - PE Subject Leader