Most issues can be dealt with simply by speaking to your child's class teacher. Issues that go beyond this stage are rare, but the next step would be for the matter to be dealt with by the relevant phase leader:
EYFS: Mr Gavas
Key Stage 1: Mrs Byfield
Lower Key Stage 2: Mrs Angland
Upper Key Stage 2: Mrs Kyriacou
You can contact the phase leader by emailing the school office and they will forward your correspondence.
Occasionally, an issue cannot be resolved in a satisfactory way, so the next stage is to make an official complaint by writing to the headteacher. An official form can be found, along with a more detailed description of the process, on the policy page of our website (If the complaint is about the headteacher, use the same documents, but email your competed document to the school marked for the attention of the clerk to the governing body).
All timescales and actions are detailed on the complaints procedure document.
school office: 020 8363 3729
We sincerely hope that complaints do not reach stage, but at all times we will do our very best to resolve issues as quickly and positively as possible.