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Online Learning – Children’s Questionnaire

Please answer this questionnaire as honestly and clearly as you can (you may need an adult to help you.)

1. I have a quiet area at home where I can focus on my school work.*
2. I enjoy the work I’m doing at home*
3. I can keep up with the amount of school work I have to complete*
4. I can complete all my school work in the time I’m given*
5. I know where to get help if I don’t understand the work I am set*
6. The lessons I like best are:*
7. I know how to keep safe online*
8. If I’m feeling stressed/anxious about the amount of work I have to complete or anything else, I have someone I can talk to*
10. What subjects do you think you will need more support in when you come back to school. Please tick all that apply*

Thank you for letting us know how you are getting on.

St. George’s Catholic Primary School
Gordon Road, Enfield EN2 0QA

Tel: 0208 363 3729
Fax: 0208 367 2275